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PwrStar 2.17 Help File
Copyright (c) 1986, 1987, 1988 HyperStuffWare, All Rights Reserved
PwrStar is a user friendly program dedicated to numerical analysis of user
provided data. Each option is selected by merely touching the first key of a
function name such as [K]bdInput. The purpose of the current version is to
provide a polynomial best fit to a given set of data by the method of least
squares. The user may interactively choose up to a 14th order polynomial fit
and get an automatic display of the input and the fitted curve.
By fitting a large order least squares polynomial to your data PwrStar gives
you more power than other available programs which let you select from some
predefined number of equations. For example, exponential and logarithmic
curve fits can be easily performed. PwrStar gives you a numerical evaluation
of the goodness of the fit and then allows you to graphically display the
results. This often times brings out otherwise hidden characterisitics of
the fitted curve.
There is a definite sequence of events that should be followed to get the
most out of the program, but you are encouraged to improvise. For example:
1. Use [K]bdInput to enter the data from the keyboard or [F]ileInput to read
a previously generated ASCII file with the input. When using files not
generated by PwrStar, the format must be the same as provided in the file
2. Use [S]ave to save the results on disk before starting any modifications.
3. Use [E]dit to verify that the input was correct and modify, delete or add
additional points.
4. Use [S]ave again to save the results.
5. Use [L]sqFit to calculate a polynomial fit of up to 14th order. A good
rule of thumb is to use the lowest order polynomial that provides a good
fit. The correlation coefficient calculated by [L]sqFit indicates how
good the fit really is with 1.0 being an exact fit.
6. Use [G]raph to display the input data and goodness of the polynomial fit.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until satisfied with the results.
8. Use [P]rint to get a hardcopy of the input data, the calculated results,
the coefficient of the polynomial, and the correlation coefficient.
9. Once the polynomial fit is defined, [I]nterpolate can be used to find new
values for F(X) at a given value of X. Version 1.2 now also gives you the
normalized values Xn and Fn(Xn) as previously described.
OPTION [K]bdInput: This is the most basic option of PwrStar used to enter a
list of points from the keyboard for display & analysis. The first input is
the independent variable X and the second is the independent F(X) variable as
a function of X; thus F(X). Starting with version 1.36 you can now select an
[A]utomatic point sequencing for entry (recommeded) or [M]anually selecting
the sequence.
SubOption [M]anual Sequence. After selecting this option you will be asked
first enter a point number, then X and F(X). The process continues until you
enter C/R at the point number prompt. When you are prompted for X and F(X),
hitting a C/R enters a value of 0.0 for each one. You can enter up to 300
points in any order and to correct a mistake simply reenter the same point. By
allowing points to be entered in any order, you have greater flexibility to
fix mistakes as you enter the data. However, it is imperative that no points
be left undefined or you will get unpredictable results. For example if you
enter 8 points in the following order: 1,2,3,3,10,7,5,6,6,9 points number 4
and 8 will be undefined or have some strange values in them. PwrStar should
catch the error and tell you to fix the problem with [E]dit PRIOR to doing
SubOption [A]utomatic Sequence. After selecting this option you'll be asked
to enter X and F(X) pairs very much like the [M]anual option. However, you
will not be prompted for the point number which is automatically provided and
you must wait until after entering ALL the data to correct any mistakes with
the [E]dit option. After each point is entered you will be asked whether to
continue or stop. Hitting Y or C/R continues the input while N or ESC stops.
OPTION [F]ileInput: This option allows you to enter data from a previously
defined ASCII file. The file may be generated with the [S]ave option after
first entering from the keyboard or with your favorite wordprocessor/editor.
If the file is not generated by PwrStar then it must have the same format as
shown below and in SAMPLE.DAT
3 = Total Number of Points
I X F(X)
1 0.05 1.2545
2 0.10 2.3810
3 0.2 4.5678
When [F]ileInput is selected, the program checks to see if it exists and beeps
if it does not. If no extension is given then '.DAT' is assumed.
OPTION [D]ir: Is used to provide a directory listing of files that match a
given template. Wild characters and path names are ok. If your provide the
path name only, then PwrStar will change its default directory to your new
name if its legal. Please note that PwrStar must be in the same directory as
the *.BGI files when the [G]raph option is run for the first time.
OPTION [E]dit: Used to interactively delete, insert, or delete points from a
set of data that have been entered. You have four options with [E]dit
[V]iew : Displays the set of data currently in memory.
[I]nsert: Allows you to insert a new point AFTER the one you will specify.
[D]elete: Allows you to delete any point.
[M]odify: Allows you to enter new values of X & F(X) for a specified point. If
you choose the wrong number just hit C/R at the X and F(X) prompt to keep the
old values.
To end [E]dit just hit C/R or ESC at the options prompt.
OPTION [L]sqFit: Calculates the best fitting polynomial up to order 14 by the
method of least squares. The only input that is required is the order of the
polynomial the program takes care of the rest. At the present time, to find
the best fit requires inversion of up to a 14x14 matrix with a Gauss-Jordan
scheme that uses full pivoting. However, the matrix that must be inverted is
usually highly illconditioned or near singular and can cause a fatal execution
error. A numeric overflow error #07 is the only one that will currently cause
PwrStar to terminate without warning so make sure your input data are saved
before running this option and start with the lowest order polynomial then you
may increase the order one step at a time. The overflow error is inherent to
the Gauss-Jordan algorithm. The 8087 version reduces the roundoff error and
therefore allows a larger order curve fit to your data before numeric overflow
occurs. The 8087 version also runs 5 - 10 times faster than the 8088 version.
Note that Version 1.35 now normalizes your X, F(X) input before performing the
least squares fit by dividing the X values by their average so that Xn=X/Xavg
and the F(X) by the corresponding average so Fn(Xn) F(X)/Favg. This mod was
required to increase the numerical stability of the matrix inversion algorithm
and reduce susceptibility to crashes for ill-conditioned data.
To use the Fn(Xn) equation now calculated by the program, first devide your X
input value by the Xavg value given by PwrStar, then plug into given equation
and multiply resulting Fn(Xn) by the Favg value given by PwrStar to get F(X)
at any X. The interpolation option [I] does this for you automatically.
The program prints out: Pt, X, F(X), F(X) Calc, RESID where:
Pt : point number
X : input value of independent variable
F(X) : input value of dependent variable
F(X) CALC: Value of dependent variable calculate at X from the polynomial fit
RESID : Residual error = F(X) CALC - F(X)
You also get the values A1...A11 for the polynomial coefficients and estimates
of how much error there may be in each one where: F(X) = A1 + A2*X +A3*X*X . .
Finally, the correlation coefficient gives you a direct indication of how well
the polynomial fits the data with 1.0 being an exact fit.
NOTE: After a correlation of 1.0 is achieved, you get NO FURTHER ACCURACY in
the curve fit since IT IS ALREADY EXACT. PWRSTAR will allow higher order fits
even though a correlation of 1.0 was achieved with a lower fit. However, the
numerical method eventually becomes unstable due to roundoff error, A MACHINE
NOTE: The maximum order of the polynomial will one less than the total number
of data points available. Therefore for 8 points a maximum 7th order fit can
be used.
OPTION [G]raph: The purpose of this option is to provide a QUICK look at how
well the curve fits the data and spot any problems with input. PwrStar will
calculate the proper minimum and maximum for each axis to maximize use of the
screen. To use the default values hit C/R after the defaults are printed for
each axis. You may also enter your own axis scale by typing [Y]es when asked
to change? For each axis minimum and maximum, hitting C/R uses the default
values. The following values are printed at the bottom of the screen:
Horizontal Axis
Left = Minimum value of X axis dx = Value of each X axis tick mark
Right = Maximum value of X axis
Vertical Axis
Bottom = Minimum value of F(X) axis dx = Value of each F(X) axis tick mark
Top = Maximum value of F(X) axis
Starting with version 1.35 you now have an additional graphics input screen
after selecting the graph option.
SubOption [G] or [C/R]: Generates the plot as with previous versions.
SubOption [H]orz-Grid : Adds a horizontal grid to the plot.
SubOption [V]ert-Grid : Adds a vertical grid to the plot.
SubOption [B]oth : Adds a vertical and horizontal grid to the plot.
SubOption [N]one : Removes grids.
SubOption [D]ense : Changes grid density to every DX and DY axis mark.
SubOption [S]parse : Changes grid density to every 5th DX and DY axis mark.
SubOption [T]itle : Allows entry of plot title up to 69 characters long.
To get a graphics dump of the screen, you must first run GRAPHICS.COM from
your DOS diskette or GRAFTRAX.COM prior to running PwrStar. To get a screen
dump run [G]raph and hit the Shift-PrtScr combination when the bell sounds
indicating that PwrStar is waiting for you to make your copy. Hitting C/R
instead will get you back to the Command Menu.
OPTION [I]nterpolate: Is used after data have been entered and a polynomial
fit defined. Hitting [I]nterpolate will have PwrStar prompt you for the new
independent variable X and it will calculate a new value of F(X) and ask for
more (Y/N)? Hitting C/R or Y makes PwrStar ask for another value and hitting
ESC or N sends it back to the Command Menu.
***** BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN EXTRAPOLATING ****** If the value of X to get F(X)
that you request is not within the bounds ( Xmin <= X <= Xmax ) of your input
data, then the result could be nonsense. Before extrapolating use [G]raph to
evaluate how the function you've selected behaves beyond the range of your
input where you wish to extrapolate for F(X). You do this by specifying the
minimum and maximum values of the X and F(X) axes on the graph.
Starting with version 1.35 you now have an additional option if your computer
has the Color/Graphics Adaptor (CGA) installed. After selecting [I]nterpolate
you will be asked to select [M]anual or [G]raphic interpolation.
SubOption [M]anual : PwrStar will prompt you for X and calculate F(X).
SubOption [G]raphic: Pwrstar will draw the data point, fitted line, and then
turn on a "Cross-Hairs blinking cursor" near the center of the screen. The
X and F(X) values of the curve are displayed on top of the plot. You can now
use the Left & Right Arrow keys to interactively change X and get a new value
of F(X) displayed. Using Ctrl-Left Arrow or Ctrl-Right Arrow moves the cursor
around faster.
Option [Z]ap: Provides smoothing of X, F(X) or both by using a variable point
number smoothing average. The only restrictions are that the moving average
must be an odd number and equal to or less than the total number of points.
Option [S]ave: Takes whatever data are currently in memory and saves to a
user specified disk file. This option should be run immediately after data
are input from the keyboard to guard against GREMLINS. When selecting [S]ave
you will be asked for the name of the disk file. If it already exists you may
then [O]verwrite, [A]ppend to it, or hit C/R or ESC to return to the Command
Menu. If you use the [A]ppend option, you must then modify the file with an
editor because only the first input set will be used by PwrStar.
OPTION [P]rint: Takes whatever data are currently in memory and sends to the
OPTION [H]elp: Displays this file interactively.
OPTION [Q]uit: Ends execution.
We are anxious to hear from you how to make PwrStar more useful to you.
Please mail all comments and suggestions through CompuServe EasyPlex mail to
#76167,327 or to:
5019 Silver Arrorw Dr
Dayton, oh 45424-4813
So far, PwrStar will run on: IBM-PC/XT/Jr, Zenith 148/150, Sanyo MBC-555,
IBM-AT, Compaq II, Leading Edge, Toshiba 1100+
Hitting the NumLock key on the Sanyo MBC-555 when PwrStar expects an input will
crash the program - so make sure NumLock is set before running PwrStar.
1.02 : First version released 15 Jun 1986
1.10 : Corrected pesky bug that chomped part of the screen when ending the
program by hitting Ctrl-Break. The [D]ir option now defaults to
*.* on the default drive. Finally, PwrStar now clears the screen
and returns to Black & White when it terminates. 30 June 1986
1.11 : Modified for Leading Edge PC. PwrStar now determines what type of
graphics adapter is installed (color or monochrome) and selects the
colors accordingly. 02 July 1986
1.12 : Improved graphics display. 16 Aug 1986
1.20 : Improved numerical stability of algorithm so PwrStar is unlikely to
crash when selecting higher order fits; it was before. My special
thanks go to Mr Lee Holman for identifying the problem and getting
me to think of a solution. Mr Holman got the new version back by
return mail. 10 September 1986
1.21 : Increased the number of input values to 300 and added check that
prevents trying to plot integer values not in -32768 to 32767.
22 November 1986
1.30 : Corrected bug that was generated after modification which normalized
the input data for greater accuracy. Also changed plotting logic so
that actual data and fitted curve values are plotted instead of the
normalized values used in versions 1.20 and 1.21. This option also
added a smoothing option based on a variable moving average method.
24 January 1987
1.31 : Changed logic when using [L]sqFit option. Before, after [L]sqFit was
selected, the user could read a new file or modify the data and if
the [G]raph option was selected, PwrStar would erroneously display
the new data and the old function fit. Now, selecting the [F], [K],
or [E] options automatically requires the user to run the [L] option
if a graph of the curve with the new data is desired. This mod also
changed the logic used to write the results to the screen after the
[L] option is selected. 28 March 1987
1.32 : Minor logic changes to the [Z]ap smoothing option and [G]raph auto
scale options. Once the [G]raph option is run, the caculated or
user provided minimum and maximums are retained. Entering new data
or modifying existing data will reset the scales to those calculated
by the [G]raph option. The blinking red user prompt was also changed
at the request of a registered user. The [G]raph colors were changed
to white only to fix contrast problems for EGA users.
1.35: Minor logic changes to fix [K]eyboard entry bug generated in version
1.32. Added dense or sparse grids (horizontal and vertical) to the
[G]raph option. Also added interactive [G]raphics option when inter-
polating data. 14 September 1987
1.36 At the request of registered users, the [K]eyboard input option was
expanded to include an [A]utomatic prompt and entry of data points
without having to enter the point number for each point.
27 September 1987
1.37 Corrected minor bug which caused a crash when viewing a graph and
hitting a key with an extended scan code (such as left arrow) while
the numlock was in the numeric position. 01 November 1987
1.38 Corrected minor bug which caused problems on AT class machines running
DOS 3.X while trying to save keyboard entered data before running the
[L]sqFit option. 07 December 1987
2.00 Converted PwrStar to Turbo Pascal Version 4.0 and corrected a few minor
bugs. This update also added graphics support for the CGA, EGA, VGA,
Hercules, and other drivers supported by Turbo 4.0. Two versions are
now shipped: PwrStar.88 is the 8088/8086 executable file, PwrStar.87 is
the 8087 executable file. 18 January 1988
2.11 Corrected minor bug generated in version 2.10. The bug occurred only
when reading from a saved file where F(X) CALC was negative.
28 February 1988
2.15 Incorporated graphics device drivers into executable file to eliminate
the need to keep the Borland *.BGI files on the same disk.
12 September 1988
2.16 Improved implementation of numeric coprocessor version which now runs 5
to 10 times faster than the 8088 version. The file sizes decreased and
a bug was fixed which kept eating available memory after each call to a
plotting option was made. The 8088/80286 version is now shipped in file
PwrStr88.EXE and the 8087/80287 version in file PwrStr87.EXE.
14 September 1988
2.17 Corrected minor bug which occurred when reading back a file where F(X)
was negative. 24 September 1988
Hank Hernandez
CompuServe #76167,327
5019 Silver Arrow Drive
Dayton, Ohio 45424-4813